ExCEN, the Experimental Economics CENter, was founded in 2006 to support research, teaching and policy applications involving controlled experiments with human decision makers. Professor James C. Cox is the founding director of the center.
The center’s central objective is to promote the development and application of economics and related academic disciplines as empirical social science. Ongoing research in the center involves development of economic theory supported by data.
Teaching and research support facilities developed and maintained by the center include the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies experimental economics laboratory and EconPort, an economics digital library featured in the Netwatch section of Science.
Advancing the Field of Experimental Economics

Hosted Conferences
Biennial Social Dilemmas Conference
Experiments for Export? Behavioral Experiments in Latin America
Southern Economic Association 80th Annual Meeting
Workshops on Teaching Economics with Computerized Experiments
Contact Us
Office Phone
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Atlanta, GA 30303